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Smokey Mountain gaited horse registry

Mountains in Clouds

Breed Qualifications call 828-380-1089 to start registration process

Horse Stall


All horses must show

-Natural 4 beat gait with no action devices, no shoes thicker than 1" at the toe


Horse Rider

proof of age

-1 vet document (coggins, ppe, or any other vet document) To prove age.If no vet document is available teeth will need to be evaluated by a professional smgh judge



100$ fee to register your horse

Livestock Branding


-5-8 minute video starting from tying moving onto saddling and riding alone preforming a natural 4 beat gait only horses that meet our Behavorial and gaiting qualifications will be accepted to be registered absolutely no edits or cuts in your 5-8 minute video


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